We met Liara in November 2022, when she contacted us.
She explained to us her love for Italy and Tuscany. When they and Larry were traveling around Italy way back in 2019, they signed up at a Castle just above Siena.
They were struck by nature, the beautiful surroundings and the view of Siena that opened from the hills where the Castle was located.
They have already decided to return, and they have returned for their wedding.
On our video call Liara told her vision of marriage.
Which should convey warmth, welcome and typical Tuscan simplicity.
After our meeting Liara sent me a letter that still sticks in my mind now.
After these words a fusion was born.
We created the moodboard for them, which immediately resonated with them without any modification.
For the palette Ilaria chose the colors of wine, powder pink and white. We have added elegant rustic style to the setup. With wooden chairs and placemats, olive oil as a gift for guests and also as a place maker.
Liara chose cotton paper, with which we made polygraphy.
We went to Siena in April to taste the wedding menu and visit the location and then share images with the bride and groom.
The day before the wedding we organized a Pizza Party as a welcome for guests by the Castle swimming pool.
Pizzas of all varieties and lots of Sangria are on the menu.
The long awaited day has finally arrived.
July this year was particularly hot, exceeding 40°
Precisely for this reason we opted for a shaded place to welcome guests and the ceremony.
The guests of the newlyweds were people who are very fond of music and dancing.
We have dedicated a space to them which has been set up with scenic lights, an open bar and certainly the inevitable DJ.
To finish, the guests awaited the surprise of the typical Midnight Pasta.
Which was served right from the chef's pan without leaving the dancefloor.
Tuscany is created to accommodate weddings like this one for Liara and Larry.
Who appreciate Italian cuisine and culture and obviously its uniqueness.